OHSMS License (SMK3)
Based on the Indonesian government regulation Number 50 of 2012 concerning the application of the occupational safety and health management system, it states that the Occupational Health and Safety Management System, hereinafter referred to as SMK3 is part of the company’s overall management system in order to control risks related to work activities in order to create a workplace that is safe and healthy. safe, efficient and productive.
Occupational Health and Safety, hereinafter referred to as K3, are all activities to ensure and protect the safety and health of workers through efforts to prevent occupational accidents and occupational diseases.
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Rp. 35.000.000
Rp. 29.900.000
Audit SMK3
Certification SMK3
The implementation of SMK3 aims to:
a. improve the effectiveness of planned, measurable, structured, and integrated occupational safety and health protection
b. prevent and reduce work accidents and occupational diseases by involving elements of management, workers/labor, and/or workers/labor unions; and
c. create a safe, comfortable and efficient workplace to boost productivity.
The implementation of SMK3 is based on the national policy on SMK3. National policy on SMK3 as a guideline for companies in implementing SMK3. Business sector development agencies can develop guidelines for implementing SMK3 as needed based on the provisions of laws and regulations.
SMK3 as intended includes:
a. determination of K3 policy
b. K3 planning
c. implementation of the OHS plan
d. OHS performance monitoring and evaluation
e. review and improvement of SMK3 performance.