Electrical Business Licensing
Electrical Business License (SBUJPTL) is an Electric Power Supporting Service Business Entity Certificate issued by a Business Entity Certification Agency (LSBU) that is accredited or appointed by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources of the Directorate General of Electricity as an extension of the Government in making the SBUJPTL. SBUJPTL is specifically for Business Entities engaged in electricity. Business Entity Certification is an assessment process to obtain formal acknowledgment of the classification and qualification of the capability of a business entity in the business sector of electric power support services. If you have a company engaged in electricity, then SBUJPTL is a must for your company.
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Advantages :
The advantage of obtaining Electrical Business Licensing is that a company that has been certified has the ability to carry out construction projects in the small, medium, and large scale electricity sector according to the Electrical Business Licensing qualifications of companies that have been verified by DJK ESDM so that they can apply for electricity construction services as the operator of electricity construction services.
Companies that already have Electrical Business Licensing will be more professional so that government or private project organizers can appoint the company because it has met the qualifications as a provider of electricity construction services. The project operator will have no doubts about the capabilities of the electricity construction service provider company.
Step by Steps
- 1. SERKOM – Certificate of Competence
The Certificate of Competence process for experts is designated as Technical Person in Charge (PJT) and Person in Charge of Qualification (PJK). - 2. SBU – Business Licensing
The process of Electrical Business Licensing (SBUJPTL) with qualifications in accordance with the qualifications of an electricity construction service company issued by DJK ESDM as proof that the electricity construction service company has the classification and qualification of the electricity construction service business.