New DKI Jakarta Province Zoning Map and Guide


Zoning rules are provisions that regulate the use of spatial planning in an area. The DKI Provincial Government Jakarta regulates this so that land use is in accordance with its designation.

The steps to check the zoning of DKI Jakarta are as follows:
1. Prepare the coordinates of the location you want to check. You can see the coordinates of the location via Google Maps


2. Click Check Zoning then check ‘Existing Land Use Map’


3. Enter the coordinates in the search field, then double click on the location point. Select land use and click arrow


4. You will get the land use or zoning of your location

To see a description of the color and zoning designation, you can download it at Information of the Zoning Table.

If you have trouble checking, you can contact Admin Legalyn Indonesia on whatsapp +628111331213.

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